Zeigler Ford Plainwell

Oct 29, 2023
Does Your Ford Need New Headlights?

Headlights are the number one safety feature on any vehicle if you’re heading on a journey at night. Getting new headlights as soon as you notice they’re getting close to burning out is essential if you regularly drive in the dark. Your Ford dealer will be happy to replace your headlights for you, so head there once you notice one of the problems described below.

When Your Headlights Just Stop Working

There is obviously something wrong if your headlights aren’t working at all, so head right over to the dealer if you are having this problem. Your headlights may have burned out, or there could be a problem with the alternator or battery that’s stopping them from receiving enough power to turn on.

When Your Headlights Get Dim

Dimming headlights are going to stop working completely eventually, so it’s a good idea to get them replaced before they no longer work. You might be able to take a few journeys with slightly dim headlights, but soon they’ll be too dim for you to see properly in the dark.

When Your Headlights Start Flickering

Flickering headlights can point towards more than one problem with your car. Sometimes the headlights flickering just means the lights are close to burning out, so you need to have them replaced. The flickering can also let you know that your alternator or battery is failing to power the lights properly, and that can create even bigger issues in your vehicle.

When Your Headlights Are Hazy

Even if your headlights are bright and aren’t flickering, they can get a little hazy, which can decrease visibility in the dark. The light may be yellowed, or it might be slightly foggy. This can be a sign that your headlights are starting to burn out, but it could also mean that the headlight cover needs to be cleaned with a special solution you’ll find at the dealership.

When Your High Beams Don’t Work Properly

You might have absolutely no issues with your low beams, but sometimes the high beams will burn out without impacting the low beams at all. If any of the problems above apply specifically to your high beams, then you better get to the dealer to see what the problem is. You might need the bulbs replaced, or the problem could be caused by a blown fuse or faulty wiring instead.

Come by Zeigler Ford Plainwell any time you need to replace your headlights, and be sure to stop by if you have any other issues you’d like us to fix. Keeping your vehicle running as smoothly as possible is key to staying as safe as you can.